

A văzut cineva ce culoare de rahat au aplicat ăştia în zona Polivalentă de jur împrejurul artezianei pe jardiniere ? Un portocaliu mai ca la sat nu cred să existe nicăieri într-n oraş din zona de vest. Gen „unii se cred poate-n Olanda”. Îs foarte curios şi de băncile alea plasate una lângă alta, alea pentru cine s-au făcut ? Parcă e un al doilea Pădurice cu lucrările astea. Ah, nu că n-ar fi comfortabile, dar întreb şi eu, mai e cineva să aibă simţ critic cât de cât în oraşul ăsta muncitoresc de 2 lei, locuit de arădeni suficienţi care nu se uită peste gard nicicum şi aleg să trăiască într-un coteţ ?

Big Black – Kerosene (lyrics)

I was born in this town

Live here my whole life

Probably come to die in this town

Live here my whole life

Never anything to do in this town

Live here my whole life

Never anything to do in this town

Live here my whole life

Probably learn to die in this town

Live here my whole life

Nothing to do, sit around at home

Sit around at home, stare at the walls

Stare at each other and wait till we die

Stare at each other and wait till we die

Probably come to die in this town

Live here my whole life

There’s Kerosene around, something to do

There’s Kerosene around, she’s something to do

There’s Kerosene around, she’s something to do

There’s Kerosene around, we’ll find something to do

Kerosene around, she’s something to do

Kerosene around, set me on fire

Set me on fire, Kerosene

Set me on fire, Kerosene

Set me on fire, Kerosene

Set me on fire, Kerosene

Set me on fire

Kerosene around, something to do

There’s Kerosene around, find something to do

There’s Kerosene around, find something to do

Kerosene around, find something to do

Kerosene around, she’s something to do

Kerosene around, set me on fire

Set me on fire, Kerosene

Set me on fire, Kerosene

Set me on fire, Kerosene

Set me on fire, Kerosene

Set me on fire

Kerosene around, she’s something to do

Kerosene around, now what do we do?

Jumped Kerosene, now what do we do?

Jumped Kerosene, now what do we do?

Kerosene around, nothing to do

Jumped Kerosene, now what do we do?

Never anything to do in this town

Never anything but jump Kerosene

Never anything to do in this town

Never anything

Jump Kerosene

Set me on fire, Kerosene

Set me on fire, Kerosene

Set me on fire, Kerosene

Set me on fire, Kerosene

Set me on fire

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